Lotte van Kleef

Cosmetisch arts

Lotte van Kleef studied medicine at the University of Maastricht where she devoted her final year to dermatology. After obtaining her medical degree, she worked in surgery (VU MC) and cardiac surgery (MUMC) where she acquired good surgical skills. She graduated as a general practitioner in 2017 and still works as a general practitioner with a special interest in dermatology. From this interest, her desire to work in cosmetic medicine grew.

After previous training in injectables, Lotte has now been trained internally at Doctors at Soap. She consciously chose this because the 'no trace face' principle really appealed to her.
A fresh and natural result is important to her. Highlighting your own beauty is the goal by listening to your desire. Making the patient feel welcome is important to her.

BIG-number: 8991 607 4701